During January 2021, Mostra Di Cafe became officially the 1st company in South Africa launching to the retail space ground coffee infused with CBD.
Below, please find the product’s details & relevant certification:
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of more than 400 active natural ingredients of the cannabis sativa plant. Even though it derives from the cannabis plant, CBD doesn’t create a “high” effect or any form of intoxication. There is a growing global awareness about the possible health benefits that naturally occur due to the presence of CBD in the body, with the highlights being: Anxiety relief, Anti-Seizure, Neuroprotective, Pain relief, Anti-Inflammation & Anti-Oxidant.
Naturally, CBD appears to have a unique positive effect on our own body’s endo-cannabinoid system. In general lines, CBD appears to be faced as a great natural supplement towards healthy well being. We prompt you to read more and even talking to your doctor about CBD.
Each pack of coffee contains 500 gm of pure ground filter coffee infused with 200 mg of CBD. Commonly, a cup of coffee requires 8 to 10 gm of coffee and this translates to about 4mg of CBD oil per cup (per serving). The CBD isolate infused in this coffee, is of 99% purity level with absolute absence of THC.
Useful links on CBD: